Raza Rumi on Defence ministers ultimatum to taliban

Raza Rumi’s analysis on the statement of Defence Minister Khwaja Asif. The minister indicated at an operation in caseterrorist attacks from the other side…

Raza Rumi says that Karachi operation not the ultimate solution, we have to build institutions

Raza Rumi says that the sucess of the operation in Karachi can only be guranteed if all the stakeholders are taken into consideration. However,…

Future of a crisis

Pakistan's ruling elites fond of palace intrigues and power maximisation tricks must realise that this may be the last chance of saving the country,…

Mission Accomplished – Louise Rill on Iraq

Stumbling upon Louise Rill’s poetry website was rewarding. I found this unyielding poem on Iraq operation signifying the emotions of many citizens in the…