Katas Raj Temple Case concludes and the verdict is guilty

The Katas Raj Temple case has been concluded and the verdict is guilty. But the Supreme Court has asked the cement company to make…

Hundreds of decaying historical buildings across Lahore await Attention

Third story for the Herald’s annual heritage issue: Once renowned as a city of gardens and monuments, Lahore now manifests decaying cultural heritage, rampant…

Mehrgarh – Pakistan’s glorious, ancient past

Found a well researched article on Mehrgarh Mehrgarh is the centre of the first known developed place of civilization in its advanced form in…

It is the death of history…

Fisk on the long term impact of Iraq tragedy: 2,000-year-old Sumerian cities torn apart and plundered by robbers. The very walls of the mighty…

Saving Kahoo Jo Daro

Read this impassioned appeal in the press – it also alerted me to the situation that haunts this ancient relic. The city is built…

What happened to reading?

Ilona Yusuf, a poet muses about the demise of the reading culture. This narrative echoes my anguish over the loss of heritage and value…

Our endangered heritage

Delhi’s Red Fort was once a symbol of Mughal power and the myriad India was ruled for centuries from this fort. It has continued…

Saving Heritage

Not a day passes when we are not reminded of the gradual erosion of our heritage. It is time that we thought of different…

Architectural Neglect – Lahore again..

Random musings in continuation of the discussions on the construction of the 7 (or is it 5?) -star hotel in Islamabad on Adil Najam’s…

Dispatches: Lahore

A friend of mine sent me this piece on Lahore from S. Abbas Raza’s blog. I absolutely love it. Source -> Dispatches: Lahore Lahore…